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Relationships are Everything Inc. CEO John Hoyles has developed a unique approach to success in any organization you work for, through a deep understanding of the importance of relationships in your professional and business career.

John did so for the last 20 years as the CEO of the Canadian Bar Association, one of the largest national professional associations. Prior to that, he spent six years working for federal government agencies, where understanding how to build relationships in challenging milieus was essential. John’s first realization of the importance of relationships came in building his own law practice in northeastern Ontario, while building a multi-lawyer practice over a ten year period. 


The importance of relationships in making organizations successful was exemplified in John’s building of the International Institute of Law Association Chief Executives from five members to over 70 members across every continent. As a member of the board and chair of the Canadian Society of Association Executives, relationships were once again key in making that organization stronger. Applying the relationship approach was key when John was one of the creators of In-house Counsel Worldwide, an organization bringing corporate counsel together from around the world. The relationship concept allowed John to successfully chair a hospital board, work in the not-for-profit sector, and raise funds for cancer research, and geriatric and rehabilitative care. Through a network across Canada, John has been able to bring together an educational program on mental health and wellness for lawyers. John is currently a board member of the Bruyère Continuing Care, the major hospital in Ottawa providing geriatric and rehabilitative care. 


In addition, John is the Honorary Colonel of the Legal Branch of the Department of National Defense, more familiarly known as JAG (Judge Advocate General’s Office). John attributes his interest and success in building successful relationships, to the fact that he grew up in a mining town in northern Québec, where everybody, no matter what their role in life, worked together and played together! In addition, ten years of practicing law in a small northern Ontario community highlighted the importance of people helping each other and being engaged through relationships in your community. 


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